
  1. Includes items such as computers, tools, books and other non-expendable items.
  2. Equipment items become the property of UA and must be passed down year after year to organization officers.
    • Items must be kept in a secure location on UA property.
    • Campus Residence Halls are not considered secure locations.
  3. The President and Advisor must complete the FAC Equipment Purchase form prior to any equipment being purchased or reimbursed. The form will be initiated by the FAC Advisor after a purchase request has been submitted in mySOURCE. The FAC Equipment Purchase form is routed to the RSO President and RSO Advisor for additional information and approval.
  4. Items covered under a UA Standing Contract require the purchase to be made from that contract vendor.
  5. Equipment purchases are subject to UA Purchasing Policies along with UA Risk Management Policies and may be investigated to determine whether the proposed equipment purchase would result in the duplication of funding.

Please note, the items below are not inclusive of all allowable or prohibited expenses.

Allowable Expenses

  • Computers
  • Printers
  • Accessories
  • Books
  • Tools
  • Other nonexpendable items that can be stored in a secure location on UA property.

Prohibited Expenses

Items that cannot be stored in a secure location on UA property. Residence Halls are not considered a secure location for the purpose of storing equipment.